Absolutely no one that knows me better
No one that can make me feel sooo goooood
How did we stay so long together?
When everybody everybody said we never would
And just when I I start to think they're right
That love has died...
There you go making my heart beat again
Heart beat again
Heart beat again
There you go making me feel like a kid
Won't you do it and do it one time?
There you go pulling me right back in
Right back in
Right back in
And I know-oo I'm never letting this go-ooo
I'm stuck on you
Whutooo whutooo
Stuck like glue
You and me baby we're stuck like glue
Whutooo whutooo
Stuck like glue
You and me baby we're stuck like glue
Some days I don't feel like trying
Some days you know I wanna just give up
When it doesn't matter who's right fight about it all night
Had enough
You give me that look
"I'm sorry baby let's make up"
You do that thing that makes me laugh
And just like that...
There you go making my heart beat again
Heart beat again
Heart beat again
There you go making me feel like a kid
Won't you do it and do it one time
There you go pulling me right back in
Right back in
Right back in
And I know-oo I'm never letting this go-ooo
I'm stuck on you
Whutooo whutooo
Stuck like glue
You and me baby we're stuck like glue
Whutooo whutooo
Stuck like glue
You and me baby were stuck like glue
Whutooo Whutoo
You almost stay out too stuck together from the ATL
Whutooo Whutoo
Feeling kinda sick?
Just a spoon full of sugar make it better real quick
I say
Whutooo Whutoo
Whatcha gonna do with that?
Whutooo Whutoo
Come on over here with that
Sugar sticky sweet stuff
Come on give me that stuff
Everybody wants some
Melodies that get stuck
Up in your head
Whutooo whutooo
Up in your head
Whutooo whutooo
Up in your head
Whutooo whutooo
Up in your head
Whutooo whutooo
Whuthoo whutooo
Stuck like glue
You and me together say it's all I wanna do
I said
There you go making my heart beat again
Heart beat again
Heart beat again
There you go making me feel like a kid
Won't you do it and do it one time
There you go pulling me right back in
Right back in
Right back in
And I know-oo I'm never letting this go-ooo
There you go making my heart beat again
Heart beat again
Heart beat again
There you go making me feel like a kid
Won't you do it and do it one time
There you go pulling me right back in
Posted at 11/21/2010 07:31:00 PM | | 0 Comments
"Is this the face that launched 1000 ships and burnt the topless towers of Ilium?"

Posted at 11/16/2010 08:10:00 AM | Labels: family, Kids | 5 Comments
But how will people know when to leave?

Posted at 11/10/2010 08:20:00 AM | Labels: Kids | 1 Comments
My little flower house.
Posted at 11/09/2010 10:49:00 AM | Labels: gardening | 3 Comments
Day of the Dead and thinking of family
Posted at 11/06/2010 03:25:00 PM | Labels: family, grandma, holidays | 3 Comments
This Halloween was great. I busted out my sewing machine and started threading away. I was making a mermaid costume and I was really excited about it. I had these great shells that I was making the top out of. and I had looked up some great ideas on the skirt. Lena and Akilean were both punk vampires. Their costumes where made up of stuff from around the house and they looked so cute.
From The Rosas-Standring Family |
Posted at 11/02/2010 11:41:00 AM | Labels: family, Festivals, holidays, Kids | 4 Comments
Changing it up.
Posted at 10/28/2010 07:59:00 AM | | 5 Comments
Just clicking on
Posted at 10/27/2010 08:45:00 AM | | 6 Comments
I dissappeared for a bit and got old!
well... older. I had my birthday this past week. My mom and my brother came down to visit me and it was such an amazing time. They got here late Saturday evening and had a really interesting flight. It was done on miles and they always bounce you all over the place. Well, this flight was no exception. But they landed and we started our good time.
On Sunday it was mostly just getting settled- seeing the kids and getting into the house. We rented a great little spot on the beach. It was a small little house with 1 bedroom downstairs and 2 beds in a loft upstairs. For us it was perfect.
We hung on the beach for the better part of the day with some friends and then we went to Le Zebra for salsa dancing. It was so much fun. We took the kids and Akilean did not take long to ask a very cute little girl if she wanted to dance. At 5 he is already a ladies man. And such a little gentleman. He holds open the door and the screen for me and Lena and he even did a little bow to the little girl after he danced with her and told her thank you. It was so cute. I can already see that he is going to be a wonderful man.
The food at Le Zebra was very good. The last time I ate there I was not totally blown away and I had heard that the food is really good here. I was glad that it was so good this time. The tortilla soup was killer- almost as good as my own. We all had a really great time dancing and eating. It was a really great start to our vacation.
Monday brought with it some real obstacles in the morning. I am having to deal with something that I never wanted to or ever thought that I would have to. But I guess all major problems and struggles are that way. The really amazing part about Monday was that the 100 chairs that were being donated by the Rotary Club of Cloverdale California were being delivered this morning. The local Rotary Club had sent out a notice and I was really surprised by how many people were there.
The chairs are beautiful. Brightly colored and perfect for the kids. They are very secure and that is wonderful. Some of the old chairs are totally falling apart and so this made a big difference. Elvia found out about my project and was able to secure funding to buy 100 new chairs and school supplies. I was so happy that my mom could be there for that. We used to do charity work together in Oregon and she was my inspiration for starting my project.
That afternoon we hung on th beach the whole day with some friends and my momma and brother. It was wonderful. The water was perfect and very calm and the whole day was a lot of fun. I even had some friends from San Francisco visiting Playa del Carmen and they came down to hang on the beach.
Then it was off to eat again - we went to Mateo's on the beach road and it was awesome. The food was great and I can see why this is such a popular spot. Then we headed off to La Llorona for my party. My friend Desire had gone and gotten me some beautiful flowers- my favorites- Lilies- then she had hung beautiful pieces of purple and green fabric to really make it MY party. Ruben had booked 2 killer bands. The first band is bandiCoral and is amazing. We had a great time dancing to them. Then the 2nd band was DNA and then were great too. We had so much fun and I danced my little but off. Everyone seemed to have a great time.
The party continued back at the beach house but when we got there- we found out that we had no electricity. :( There was a problem with water pump and so it ran and drained all of the generator. But we still had a great time.
The next day we hung on the beach again and enjoyed the water and the waves. For dinner we went over to Om and that was great. The food was great and we had a good time. My brother and Ruben were hardly able to stand up but we went out anyway. We had a good time but it was not a crazy late night- we were home by like 3:30 or 4. Well, I guess that is a late night.
On Wednesday it was time to get things picked up and got ready to head to Cancun. Mom and Ryan were leaving really early on Thursday so they were staying at a hotel right next to the airport. We hung out with them for a bit but then headed back to Tulum to have the hardest nights sleep in our lives. Man we crashed out.
There are so many more things to write about and tell about- but for right now... no.
Today is my 5 year wedding anniversary and I am going to go give myself a pedicure and manicure before I get a massage from my friend Gina- What a perfect birthday gift- and cashing in on a perfect day.
Posted at 10/14/2010 12:44:00 PM | | 6 Comments
An early morning in Mexico
Posted at 9/30/2010 07:58:00 AM | | 3 Comments
Soaking up the good advice... and jasmine flowers.
Well first I must say that it has been a rough morning. Last night I went to bed and was attacked by tabanos. These tropical devils are the bain of my existence. Mosquitoes are attracted to my husband. (like most other breathing species) but Tabanos- oh no- they feed on me. About 2 weeks ago I had a bad nights sleep and had several bites on my legs and was scratching all night. Then it happened again last night.
For me, a tabano bite is very clear- it welts up and is very large and in many cases will swell. I was in misery last night. I maybe slept for about 2 solid hours. The rest was tossing and turning and scratching. This morning while sweeping I found a dead tabano on the floor of my house. Sweeping his lifeless little body into the dust pan, I could not help but wonder if he had dropped dead from exhaustion from biting me so many times.
On the flip side, as I write now I am smelling the wonderful aroma of fresh jasmine flowers. My friend has been coming by in the morning before she heads to work. She lives an hour and a half bus ride north of me and has been busing in every day for work. She always brings me a little something. A snippet of wild flowers, a j some coffee- random little things to bringten my morning. At brighten in does. The smell of these little beauties is amazing. It reminds me that I really must plant some jasmine in my garden.
Yesterdays post about my neighbor taking my bike was met by kind ears with lots of advice. Even by the time I had sat back down to my computer I had already decided, Mindy, she is your neighbor and friend- she needed to use it- so do not be mad anymore. But lets set up some ground rules and boundaries. Okay- no problem. except that she has not brought back the bike yet?????
Yesterday when I took the kids to their ballet class I passed by where she works and she was not there- which did not surprise me- but then when I got home- the bike was not at my house and no one was at her house. This sent me back into being annoyed.
I think the way to deal with it is to get a lock like all have said and just kindly tell her- I understand that she needs to borrow my bike sometime but that it was a brand new bike and now has problems. I like to ride my bike- long bike rides for health and exercise. So when the front wheel wobbles like it now does- that is a problem for me. the seat is no longer attached in the back- that is a problem for me.
I mean- I know that I am a go to girl for things on my street because I will very rarely say no- and why would I - people want to use my blender- fine- they do and bring it back- or my big pot to cook beans in- no problem- but these things have come back fast and in good condition- that is not the case with my bike.
Ahhh- the jasmine flower high is wearing off and I am geting upset again. Breath- not a big deal- I just need to start laying some ground work.
Posted at 9/29/2010 08:18:00 AM | | 5 Comments
OKay... I get that I am kinda being a bitch but really?
Okay. Now if I actually have to sit back and ask myself... "Mindy, do you have anything to really be upset about, or are you just being a bitch?" Then I have probably already answered the question but...
Now I am so grateful to have my car and it has totally changed my life. But... I do not want to drive it all the time. My son's school is very near and easy to get to by bike and he is small enough to fit on the back. So you can imagine my annoyance when I was driving home from dropping Lena off at school and there goes my neighbor off to work on ... wait for it... MY BIKE!
Now to be fair... I was probably not going to take Akilean on the bike today because it is very wet and looks like it will rain a lot more. But still. Why are you going into my yard and grabbing my bike. She had it for almost 2 months when I was in SF and had my family visiting here. Which I did not mind. I told her- I have all the kids so it is no problem. Just please take care of it. It is a brand new bike.
Well, after the 2 months I finally got it back and it had a few little problems- okay fine- whatever. I am not going to say anything. It is just part of having a bike in general but. AAAAAaHAHAHAHAHAA! I am really annoyed. It is already hard to deal with the way that a lot of locals view Americans in that we can simply buy more of whatever it is that we have. Now. I know that we might look like we have more then most- and we do. We were fortunate enough back in the states to 1) have jobs that were able to buy the things that we like, 2) a plethora of stores (word use for you momma! jaja) where you can buy very nice things for crazy cheap prices. - And yes I know- that this is due tot he gluttony of the USA. 3) we had family that were fortunate in their money and many of the things that we have were once theirs or gifts and 4) and this is the real kicker- an incredibly frugal and crafty wife that can find or make cheap things look amazing! This is a stage craft skill that I am glad I have.
But that does not mean that if you break one of my nice looking wine glasses or coffee mugs that I can run out and grab a new one. I live here too remember? Just like you. My husband makes the same money as everyone else and my rent is the same and so is my food. Only difference is that at every turn I am paying just a little bit more then most others might because once again there is this idea that we Americans have stashes of money in our pockets.
Anyway. I am just a little pissed about it. Again. I know that I was not going to use it today but I am just annoyed that she keeps going into my yard and taking it. Now if it had just been a few times- hey can I use your bike really fast? We do that with our neighbor- we have gone into his yard and used the little bbq before. Things like that. But not every time I cook. I mean... sorry but buy a bike. And the reason she does not have one is the last 2 have been stolen and gotten broken. So why would want to hand over my bike. just because I have a car does not mean I do not want or use my bike.
Okay. End of rant. Now I just have to wait till she gets home to tell her to stop taking it. Even better- get a new bike lock and take away the option. But even the constant asking me if she can borrow it is driving me crazy.
Posted at 9/28/2010 07:27:00 AM | | 13 Comments
A great meet up Internet folk
We had the moderators here and that is always great as well as some others. We had the meet up at Om Tulum once again. Om is a big favorite of many people both on the forum and locals alike so I was more then happy to eat there again.
And this time Angelo pulled out all the stops for an amazing meal. In our honor a magnificent meal and tequila tasting was planned. The chef was cooking all sorts of new items that are not on the menu and even Angelo had a good time tasting new dishes.
Angelo and Om were wonderful hosts as always and we all had a really good time. The food was simply unreal- as was the tequila and mescal. We all had such a good time. But this one better put forth in pictures.
The food was so amazing. I have some notes on more details. But it is easy to say one of the very best meals that I have had in a long time.
We had 6 tequilas and 1 mescal ranging from blanco- repasado- anejo- almond- pomegranate- it was amazing!!!!
Chilis en Nogales, Mexican Pizza, Nut Chili mole sauce and Tuna pastor! Easy to say- I got spoiled.
Posted at 9/23/2010 02:16:00 PM | Labels: Friends, Living in Tulum, Tulum Restaurants | 3 Comments
Tulum Living School Project gets a new website
We are so excited to have launched the Tulum Living School Project website. Here is where we will have all the details of our all our charity ,projects in detail.
There is a new addition - The donation counter widget. If you want to help and would be willing you can easily add this gadget to your own website. Our school project donation widget will appear on your site and we could reach a much wider audience. All funds collected are collected through pay pal.
Simply click on the Add to site button and it will tell you what to do. It would be so appreciated.
I hope that you all like the website and that you will follow and help spread the word about this project. I think that we will be able to do some amazing things in Tulum.
Thank you to everyone for your support. I look forward to sharing all of our progress.
http://www.tulumschools.blogspot.com/ is the site. Thanks all.
Posted at 9/17/2010 05:05:00 PM | Labels: Tulum Living School Project | 0 Comments
A hurricane! 200 Years of Independance and 100 years since the Revolution!
There were parties, fairs, parades and festivities everywhere. The kids and I spent the first part of the day on the 15th on the Yaaj-Ximbal tour. It was wonderful as always. A 4x4 trip through the jungle were we all got bounced around the back of the cars while we flew over rocks and trees in the middle of the jungle.
I do really miss working for this company but alas- I have my family to take car of. Not that I am complaining- other then the increase of funds- I much prefer staying at home with my kids. the kids loved the zip line- like always. They are so crazy. We had a good group of people we were with and all had a great time.
The new cenote/ cave that they go in is amazing. I really enjoyed it. And I was really impressed with the fact that the kids were not scared. I mean- being deep in a cave can be sort of scary for some kids but not my little adventure seekers. Poor little Akilean did get pretty cold thought. I cannot imagine why? He has so much meat on his bones.(dripping with sarcasm) jajaja. He eats a ton and yet still has this body that is just soooooo skinny. He has the same build as my brother Ryan and my Uncle Brad. There is nothing that will change it- he is a slender kid.
Posted at 9/17/2010 09:25:00 AM | Labels: family, Festivals, holidays | 5 Comments