Some really fun days with friends

I have not been blogging lately. I am almost totally over whelmed by the idea of running and executing my own business- especially in a country where I do not speak the language. But I have been doing card reading lately and all of my readings are saying a similar thing... they are all encouraging my business. That if I put in the effort at this time I will be rewarded. I really need to be moving forward with it - full steam ahead.

We have also gotten to spend some time with some really great friends. My friend Crystal was one of those people that when you meet them you immediately know that you guys will get along well. And her kids are just as sweet as you can hope for. She has a son that is 6 and a daughter that is 3- with Lena and Akilean is quite the party... add on all the other friends and cousins and you can imagine that it has been some crazy few days. But all of the kids get along so well and it is great to see them all play.

I have been on this get clean and organized thing lately. Sort of like a pregnant nesting phase. But I am getting everything put in its place. I had put each of the kids toys in their own little containers so they could actually find what they had... and it totally worked. I had 7 kids all 6 and under sitting on the floor playing with Lego's and then later playing with trains!!! It was one of those moments that just make you beam as a mom.

I have been trying to get going on my laundry now that I finally have a washing machine that works!!! SO that should keep me pretty busy for a while.

I have been throwing myself into my website it is a first hand experience of everything Tulum and I am really trying to get it off the ground. I know that it can be really great I just have to get it going.


Samantha said...

Good Luck Minds!! I know that you can do anything you put your mind to! =)

Mel said...

Your website looks awesome. Good luck with that! Glad you got your washing machine working :)

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